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You are here: VŠCHT PrahaFCHTSIL  → Research → Glass surface and biomaterials

Glass surface and biomaterials

Members of the research group

Ph.D. students

Main research topics

  • preparation of inorganic and inorganic-organic layers on glass using the sol-gel method
  • nanomaterials with glassy matrix
  • volatilization kinetic and mechanism  of model and industrial melts
  • bioactive materials (bone fillings, dental materials, bioactive layers on metals)
  • interaction of bioactive coatings with SBF (Simulated Body Fluid)
  • interaction of glass fibers from heat insulation materials with physiological solution
  • modeling of long-term interaction of glass and various solutions
  • chemical durability of pharmaceutical and medicinal glass containers
  • leaching of nondesirable components (Al, Pb, etc.) from glass containers
  • glass corrosion in dishwashers
  • glass restoration and conservation
  • corrosion of archaeological glasses
Updated: 13.9.2023 08:47, Author: Karolína Pánová

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Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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